New look, new book(s)

What started a nit-picking my blog width resulted to a new design for my entire website. Like it? I do.

I’m all for re-doing things these days. I went over Magic at Work, which I unpublished a while ago to send to a publisher. I was supposed to edit a few things, but ended up rewriting it. The scenes and characters are the same, but I like to think they’re a bit more right now. Magic at Work will be available from Amazon on September 18.


Which brings me to another thing. Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. I wanted to be brave, flip the large vendor the bird, and pull all my novellas out of KU. And I did it. And they stopped selling, almost completely. If hurts being under Amazon’s thumb, but it hurts more when I’m invisible to them. And by hurts I mean my chances of eventually leaving my day job and becoming a happily-full-time writer.

Threefold has also had some work done. It’s now a novel, and has three new scenes that I think lead more smoothly to Becca’s birthday gift. It’ll be out on October 16.

Threefold Earlybird

And Sofia Grey, Allyson Lindt, and I have something else on the works for Hallowheen. Watch this space 😉
